Troop 175 Announces Scout Leadership for 2016-2017

June16 046Boy Scout Troop 175, located at St. Mary’s Church in Simsbury, has announced it’s scout leadership for the 2016-2017 year. Boy Scouts troops are designed to teach their members leadership and responsibility by actively being a part of the planning and execution of the troop’s meetings, trips and activities.

The Troop’s scout leaders are selected by the Troops Scouts based on their performance and ability to lead. The senior patrol leaders and patrol leaders share their wisdom and pass on their knowledge to the younger Scouts through our trip and advancement programs. The Boy Scouts is one of the very few organizations where boys can be put in leadership positions at ages as young 12. Good leaders often appear early and the fun of Scouting is watching them “take the lead”.

Alex Stein was named Senior Patrol Leader. He is the scout responsible for the overall running of the troop. He will be assisted by new Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders Jack Farrell, Charlie Brinegar, Lukas Watson, Dan Peluso and Dillon Hermson.

Christian Heiden, a former Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, has been named Immortals Chief. The Immortals are the high adventure group within the troop and run several trips each year.

Scout Troop 175 meets Thursday nights during the school year at the Saint Mary’s Parish center and welcomes all boys 11 through 17 years of age. For more information contact Scoutmaster Brad Mead at or 860-614-1484.