Troop 175 Hikes America’s First Frontier

20161009_155540761_iosTroop 175 explored part of the first American frontier in October. Scouts were treated to a variety of what the Adirondack’s has to offer. Our adventure started with camping, cooking and organizing into patrols. Our patrol leaders Alex H, and Andrew B were efficient and competent in their duties, and no Scout went hungry! Joey C earned his cooking merit badge with high honors as the adults enjoyed his creative efforts.

Our Whiteface Mountain hike included over 1,000 feet of vertical ascent. In addition, we enjoyed up close world class ski jumping at Lake Placid. Of course, free falling into an air pillow on Whiteface Mountain adventure park was a hit as well. All in all, nearly 15 Scouts earned a partial on their hiking merit badge, plus substantial gains in rank.

To see photos from this trip, visit the Troop 175 Photo Library.