On April 8th, nineteen Boy Scouts and adult Scouters from Simsbury's Boy Scout Troop 175 became the first American Scout Troop to visit Cuba in fifty-seven years. The Troop was granted special visas by the US State Department which allowed them to legally visit and exchange...
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Simsbury Troop 175 Named Top Bot Scout Troop in District
At the recent CT Rivers Council Matianuck District awards dinner, Troop 175 received the overall Top Troop award of the 28 Troops in the Matianuck District. Troop 175 also won this award last year as well. Congratulations to Senior Patrol Leaders Brian Sennott(Jan-June) and...
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Troop 175 Announces Scout Leadership for 2016-2017
Boy Scout Troop 175, located at St. Mary’s Church in Simsbury, has announced it’s scout leadership for the 2016-2017 year. Boy Scouts troops are designed to teach their members leadership and responsibility by actively being a part of the planning and execution of...
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Troop 175 Scouts Return from Haitian Community Service Trip
They came in ones and two and as word spread they came in small groups and finally by the hundreds to get their eye exams and their glasses. We expected to be able to service 50 people a day in the five...
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