Category Archives: Scout News

Simsbury Scout Troops Honored as Everyday Heroes

WFSB Channel 3 recently featured the scouts of Simsbury Troops 17 and 1175 as “Everyday Heros” for their work to protect healthcare workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click on the photo to view the video that aired on WSFB-TV3 on May 8, 2020.





Simsbury’s BSA Troops 175 and 1175 On Top of Africa

28 Scouts and parents left Simsbury on July 26 to fly to Africa to climb the highest mountain on the continent – Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The trip was two years in planning and began with a non-stop flight from JFK to Nairobi, Kenya. There the...
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Simsbury’s Scout Troop 175 Enjoys Summer Camp

Each year one of the highlights of Scout Troop 175 is a week-long camping adventure at Camp Mattatuck. Scouts can work on advancement, merit badges and enjoy outside activities like swimming, archery, cooking and rifle shooting. Alex V was selected as the troop's Senior Patrol Leader for...
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