Year: 2016

  • Scoutmaster Brad Mead Featured on NPR Radio

    Recently Boy Scout Troop 175’s scoutmaster Brad Mead appeared on National Public Radio’s The Colin McEnroe Show talking about how the Boy Scouts have been an organization devoted to, in their own words, keeping boys “physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.” Listen to the interview here.

  • Troop 175 Confirm New Eagle Scouts

    Boy Scout Troop 175 recently held an Eagle Court of Honor at St. Mary’s Church in Simsbury. All scouts and their families were invited to attend as Evan Palmberg, Andrew Bouwer, Christian Heiden, Daniel Peluso, Jack Farrell and Sean Dunn are awarded the highest rank in scouting – the rank of Eagle Scout.

  • Troop 175 Hikes America’s First Frontier

    Troop 175 explored part of the first American frontier in October. Scouts were treated to a variety of what the Adirondack’s has to offer. Our adventure started with camping, cooking and organizing into patrols. Our patrol leaders Alex H, and Andrew B were efficient and competent in their duties, and no Scout went hungry! Joey…

  • Troop 175 Announces Scout Leadership for 2016-2017

    Boy Scout Troop 175, located at St. Mary’s Church in Simsbury, has announced it’s scout leadership for the 2016-2017 year. Boy Scouts troops are designed to teach their members leadership and responsibility by actively being a part of the planning and execution of the troop’s meetings, trips and activities. The Troop’s scout leaders are selected…